
Michael Severs

Hello everyone, my name is Michael Philip Severs, I'm 26 years old and I spend most of my time in Nijmegen in the Eastern part of the Netherlands. Although I was born in Woerden, which is located in the centre of the Netherlands, I have lived in different places throughout my youth.

From birth until the age of eight, I have lived in a small village near Woerden called Linschoten. After that, I moved to Germany to live there for six years with my parents and my sister Wendy. Before moving back to The Netherlands, we lived in the Southern part of Belgium for four years. All this moving around was the result of my father being in the military.

In 2000 I started studying computer engineering at the Transnational University of Limburg in Diepenbeek, Belgium. But after two years, I found out that computers weren't my piece of the pie, so I moved back to the Netherlands to Nijmegen to study Business Communications at the Radboud University. In June of last year I graduated as a Master of Arts and since then I started my own company in trend marketing, coaching and guiding people to become successful entrepreneurs in the Wellness industry. Besides that, I have been an Office Manager for Duosport Courses since September of last year. This is a commercial sports organisation that provides high quality service for recreational athletes that specialises in speed skating activities of all kinds.

As one of my main responsibilities/activities in both jobs is the training and coaching of personnel/entrepreneurs, my main vocational interest is in this area. During my time in Rio Grande do Sul, I would like to find out in what way service organisations in Brazil educate, train and coach their people in order to provide customers with the highest service possible and distinguish themselves from other companies.

I am looking forward to meeting the local people in Brazil and I am eager to get familiar with the language and the local culture. The link will show you a short movie of me and some friends having a great time speed skating on the lakes, our greatest passion.


1 opmerking:

  1. hey maatje,

    dat verhaal van jou is een stuk korter dan het mijne...... Wanneer komen de echte berichten op de site??

    knuffel vanuit het koude of warme, zonnige of besneeuwde landschap in nieuw zeeland.
